Five-minute city
På kartan kan du se hur långt det är att gå eller cykla till vardagsservice såsom skola, förskola, kollektivtrafik och livsmedelsbutiker.
Dra den blå knappnålen till en specifik plats på kartan för att se din 5-minutersstad.
Every day services in Stockholm Royal Seaport
Every day service
Proximity to private and public amenities plays a key role in the sort of travel patterns that are created in Stockholm Royal Seaport.
Bobergsskolan grades F-7
Hjorthagens school grades F-1
There are 10 preschools in the Royal Seaport
Grocery stores
there are 3 grocery stores in Hjorthagen and one in Värtahamnen.
Waste and upcycling
Upcycling, recycling and waste management is a part of every day life. Two times per year there is a pop-up upcycling station close to Hjorthagen.
Easy means of transportation from city centre to the Royal Seaport
Public transport
Proximity to public transport makes it a convenient alternative to cars.
One way to reduce the amount of cars is to share resources. In Stockholm Royal Seaport, there are so far 32 carpool spaces.