Stockholm Royal Seaport

Sustainability Report

Vibrant city

Stockholm’s City Plan outlines a city with dense, cohesive urban environments, where the built environment and green spaces interact. Some 140,000 new housing units are planned by 2035. In addition, workplaces, services, and public spaces with points of attraction are needed.

This includes 12,000 housing units in Stockholm Royal Seaport, of which 3,000 are already occupied. There are plans for service and commercial spaces equivalent to 35,000 workplaces, some 20 per cent of which have been completed to date. With a wide range of services and activities, the area will become vibrant and safe at all times of the day and night and throughout the year, which will also benefit local businesses. The overall goal is to create an open and welcoming area with a variety of housing types.

Key figures

  • 4 squares, 11 parks and playgrounds, an outdoor gym, a primary school, 10 preschools, a sports hall, and a library have been built.
  • 3,160 dwellings, of which 52% are rental apartments. In total, 8% are student housing.
  • 16% of public open space has social values equivalent to 26m2  per dwelling.
  • Nine out of ten residents feel safe.

From closed industrial area to vibrant district

The development of Stockholm Royal Seaport is largely taking place on former industrial land and in port areas, creating a natural extension of the inner city.

Energy was produced in Gasverket for over a hundred years until 2011. Since then, the goal has been to preserve the industrial and cultural historical buildings and fill them with new functions. So far, eight of more than 30 buildings have been repurposed, including Klätterverket, with Stockholm's highest indoor climbing wall, and the Transport Museum. Bobergsskolan opened in 2019 and has been complemented with new buildings and a sports hall. Adjacent to the school, there is a parkour course, open to all, as requested by local young people. Bobergstorget has become a meeting place that links different parts of the local area.

The area’s two iconic brick gasometers are currently undergoing renovation and transformation. One is being converted into a cultural venue for Cirkus Venues. CA Properties is planning a hotel in the second one. The 90-metre-high steel gasometer, visible from much of Stockholm, is set to be replaced by a 30-story residential building, with space for about 300 homes. The winning architectural proposal that was selected by developer Obos and the City of Stockholm, was submitted by an architectural team consisting of Danish architects Cobe and Sweden’s Yellon.

The detailed development plan for Gasverket Östra was completed and is expected to be adopted in 2024. Vattengasverket was allocated to AB Industricentralen to house an art gallery, conference facilities, and a restaurant. The meticulous development work undertaken on Gasverket has been recognised with nominations and awards.

As part of plans for the future urban development of Frihamnen and Värtahamnen, active efforts are being made to identify temporary initiatives to invigorate the area and attract visitors. One example is the new cultural venue, B-K, which hosts live music, clubs, and events and opened in Banankompaniet, a commercial-historical landmark in Frihamnen. Another example is artist collective Blivande that runs a self-organised cultural house for collaborative art and collective workshops for artists, craftsmen, and events.

Energihamnen will continue to be characterised by a large-scale industrial environment, where initiatives will be undertaken in parallel with improvements to the street space to facilitate cycling and walking.

A walk through Gasverket. (Swedish only)

Banankompaniet, new cultural venue in Frihamnen
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Connecting the city

A city that facilitates walking and cycling is dense, green, and well-connected. By linking streets, squares, parks, and green corridors, a robust and cohesive urban structure is created that integrates seamlessly with the inner city. Overcoming barriers such as major roads, railway tracks, and differences in elevation is a challenge. New parks and pathways connect newly built areas with the existing buildings in Hjorthagen.

Värtapiren and Frihamnspiren are vital to maritime traffic on the Baltic Sea. A key strategy in urban development has been to consolidate port operations, thus freeing up areas for new construction. Värtapiren has expanded with a new terminal. Container operations have moved to Nynäshamn, south of Stockholm, and the oil terminal in Loudden has been decommissioned. This allows the city to move closer to the water, providing Stockholm with a new port entrance. Quayside promenades are being constructed along the water, and in the future, public green spaces will connect to adjacent natural areas.

The detailed development plan for Valparaiso square is crucial for connections between Hjorthagen, Gärdet, and the port areas. The Lilla Lidingö Bridge, which connects Stockholm Royal Seaport with the nearby island of Lidingö, opened for pedestrians and cyclists in 2023, and to tram traffic in 2024.

In order for the urban development to advance in Värtahamnen, Frihamnen, and Loudden, the Swedish Transport Administration needs to relocate the Värtabanan rail yard . The Transport Administration has approved a relocation, provided that a new yard is built in Lunda and that the western part of the Värtabanan rail yard is rebuilt. In 2023, the Transport Administration and the City of Stockholm started work on these plans.

Parts of Frihamnen, Ropsten, and Storängsbotten have been designated as areas of special national interest by the Transport Administration, pending a decision on whether to construct the Eastern Link motorway. This designation complicates further planning in these areas.

Flygfoto över Loudden i förgrunden och Frihamnen, Värtahamnen, Energihamnen och Hjorthagen i bakgrunden med en vattenfront som löper längs dessa områden med två fartyg.
The development of Stockholm Royal Seaport, stretching from Loudden in the south to Hjorthagen in the north
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Equitable, pleasant, and safe

Stockholm Royal Seaport will be an accessible and equitable city. The development of a detailed plan is accompanied by an analysis aimed at creating social value, which defines local conditions. The plan includes a mix of functionalities with homes of various sizes and forms of tenure to create an equitable city. Out of the 3,160 homes built to date, 30 per cent are four-bedroom apartments or larger. Slightly more than half are rental properties, with nearly one in ten being student housing. The proportion of commercial spaces amounts to 20 per cent of the properties completed to date.

In forthcoming land allocations, developers will work to ensure that a greater diversity of residents will be able to settle in the area. Current phases include planning for "co-ownership," meaning shared and flexible housing adaptable for various uses over time. To help finance continued urban development, future developments will prioritise the construction of properties for private ownership rather than rental apartments.

Everyone should be able to use public spaces, regardless of age, gender, or ability. The area includes a large number of new meeting spaces, including a library, a sports hall, a parkour area, playgrounds, and park recreation areas. There are also spaces for exercise and relaxation. New recreational spaces, known as " ”, are also being made available, such as parks, squares, quays, and nature zones. These make up 16 per cent of public space in Stockholm Royal Seaport. A marine park is also planned in the Kolkajen phase that will enhance marine biodiversity as well as serving as pleasant surroundings in which to spend time.

To identify potential safety improvements in the area, the District Administration (Norra innerstadens stadsdelsförvaltning) organises safety walks in which the Traffic Administration, Development Administration, local police, and residents participate. Based on the feedback received, measures are taken to improve safety, such as improved lighting and pruning vegetation.

The 2023 residential survey suggests that 93 per cent of local residents find the area suitable for children, whereas only 38 per cent feel it accommodates youth adequately. Nine out of ten residents report feeling safe in their neighbourhood. People want to live in Stockholm Royal Seaport for various reasons, with many relocating here to be closer to nature, live in this particular area, or for larger homes. The majority also express satisfaction with access to parks, natural areas, and public and private services. Overall, more people are satisfied with the area in 2023 than in 2019.

1% Rule

Under Stockholm’s 1% Rule, roughly one per cent of the city's total budget for urban development goes to public art. Within the framework of the development of Stockholm Royal Seaport, Stockholms Konst and developers have installed about 30 artworks in public open spaces and on development sites.

Achievements for 1. Vibrant city

1.1 An equal city

  • 52% of the apartments in Stockholm Royal Seaport are rental apartments and 48% are tenant-owned apartments. 8% are student accommo­dation.
  • Apartment sizes vary as follows: 10% (one-room apartments), 33% (two-room), 29% (three-room), 23% (four-room), and 4% (five-rooms or more)
  • In all land allocations, there is a requirement to develop concepts for a norm-critical housing design allowing a greater diversity of people.

1.2 Active daily life

  • To date, 4 squares, 11 parks and playgrounds, 1 outdoor gym, 1 primary school, 10 preschools, 1 sports hall, and 1 library have been built.
  • 16% of public open space is with social values, which corresponds to 26m2 per dwelling. It is 11m2 green oases per resident.
  • To date commercial space accounts for about 20%.
  • According to a resident survey from 2023, residents are extremely or fairly satisfied with access to: pre-schools and schools 29%, supermarkets 68% and squares and meeting places 85%.

1.3 Create spaces that are attractive and safe all day, all year

  • To date, 11 safety walks have been completed.
  • The resident survey from 2023 shows that the proportion of residents who feel safe in the area is nine out of ten. Men's and women's responses do not differ.

Updated: 10/06/2024

Strategy Vibrant city and the UN Global Goals

Strategy Vibrant city contributes to reaching the Agenda 2030 goals for sustainable development:

The vision: A Vibrant city has varied content with functions and activities that ensure that it is populated, safe, and interesting at all times of the day and night and throughout the year. It also contributes to good business opportunities. It is an equal urban area that everyone can use on their own terms and where women and men are included in the design of the city. A dense, green, and connected city that facilitates walking and cycling and contributes to reduced climate impact and improved wellbeing.